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Writer's pictureWorld Aspergers' Organization

Capitalism, WAO’s I. Principle

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

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The World Aspergers' Organization holds capitalism, democratism, and law-abiding as principles. In this article we dig into the concept of capitalism.

WAO’s and its members’ definitions of capitalism and democratism must conform to the definitions of existing capitalist democracies. It means that WAO’s and its members’ concepts about capitalism and democracy must be according not to the theories or ideologies of an idealistic democracy or idealistic capitalism, but to the design and institutes of existing capitalist democracies.

It comes from the fact that modern capitalist democracy is not a creature of a political theory or an ideology, but the historical development of social and political progress, it implicitly covers a wide variety of forms of government.

In other words, capitalist democracy in our day is the aggregation of laws, institutes, and political practices, it is very difficult to be simplified and defined purely theoretically.

In this article we will explain the quality of capitalism, using Japan as an example.


Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

The capitalist system is based on the protection of private property and guarantees the rights of owners as fundamental rights.

The characteristics of a capitalist system is the existence of a functioning market economy.

Market economy is an economy where goods and services owned by individual economic participants can be freely bought and sold throughout the market.

Furthermore, in a capitalist economy it is important that the economic rights of participants are protected from socialist economic policies like planned economy, municipalization of the means of production, etc.

Japan as a capitalism

The success of Japan as a modern capitalist economy is so because of multiple reasons with a long and complex history, which obviously cannot be described by a single blog post. In this article, we only give a brief description about its history and capitalist constitution.

Prewar Japan

According to popular theory, the economic success of Japan dates back to the reforms under Emperor Meiji.

The Meiji reforms began with the Restoration of Imperial Rule in 1868, and then ended with the establishment of the cabinet system (1877), and the establishment of a constitutional system (1889). The Meiji Restoration provided Japan a form of constitutional monarchy based on the Prusso-German model, and its constitution guaranteed the inviolability of ownership within the scope of the law, this opened the way to Japan’s economic development. The democratic, capitalist system established based on constitutional law led to significant and rapid modernization, economic reforms, and growth.

The Meiji government concentrated its efforts to encourage the capitalist economy and new industries in order to create a strong and prosperous Empire that could compete with the western powers.

Under the 殖産興業政策 (industrial development policy), the Meiji government achieved industrialization and modernization, and developed a modern market economy that raises funds by direct finance in the stock market. More than twenty thousand existing companies were founded in the Meiji era, prime examples of which are Mitsubishi and Nintendo.

The economic and industrial success of Japan boosted the standard of living for its subjects’, which provided the basis for the loyalty of its subjects to the Monarch and constitutional parliamentarism.

Postwar Japan

The Meiji Constitution was abolished after Japan was defeated in the Pacific War.

The present constitution of Japan is a capitalist constitution based on the so-called 'MacArthur draft'.

The capitalist nature of the new constitution enabled Japan to leap further forward in capitalistic development.

Institutionally, the constitution of Japan guarantees capitalist freedom of people through its third chapter, “RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE PEOPLE”.

Article 29 provides the protection of

  • Property rights

and article 22 stipulates

  • The freedom of business

  • The freedom to choose occupation

  • The freedom of movement (mobility rights, or the right to travel)

as follows:

Article 22.

 第1項 何人も、公共の福祉に反しない限り、居住、移転及び職業選択の自由を有する。

 第2項 何人も、外国に移住し、又は国籍を離脱する自由を侵されない。

  1. Every person shall have freedom to choose and change his residence and to choose his occupation to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare.

  2. Freedom of all persons to move to a foreign country and to divest themselves of their nationality shall be inviolate.

Article 29.

 第1項 財産権は、これを侵してはならない。

 第2項 財産権の内容は、公共の福祉に適合するやうに、法律でこれを定める。

 第3項 私有財産は、正当な補償の下に、これを公共のために用ひることができる。

  1. The right to own or to hold property is inviolable.

  2. Property rights shall be defined by law, in conformity with the public welfare.

  3. Private property may be taken for public use upon just compensation therefor.

The English translation is from the website of the Prime Minister's Official Residence of Japan. Please note that the authentic text is the original Japanese text.

The Point

In our day, the most successful countries and groups are known as the ones who succeed to tie up a prosperous economy with the promotion of its members' wealth.

Economic freedom is the prerequisite of wealth, rights, and freedoms not only in advanced countries, but in developmental dictatorships too. As can be seen in the case of Taiwan, South Korea, and China in the past decades, the encouragement of economic growth promotes democracy, or at least the extensive renovations of human rights and freedom.

However, the guarantee of capitalist rights is usually not enough for a successful capitalist economy. To build a prosperous and wealthy society, the right decision making is indispensable, economically, politically, and socially.

Our Means

We Aspergers must attain prosperity economically, and power politically.

WAO is going to set up a global parliament of Aspergers to work out an economic and political development policy. We will collect money and support the businesses of the world’s Aspergers, to make the world's Aspergers a successful and prosperous diaspora like Chinese or Jews.

We believe the slow and steady effort to build a prosperous Asperger economy is the realistic way to emerge from our current state of poverty and vulnerability, and we absolutely must eliminate the destructive political- and social activists like communists, and this is why WAO disallows the participation of those who question economic freedom.


If our mission and values resonate with you, and you want to be a part of the movement — please join us!

Membership Qualifications

It is important to note that the World Aspergers' Organization absolutely must be an organization dedicated to promote responsible subjectship/citizenship, good government, community, national and international welfare.

Therefore, members of WAO absolutely must be law-abiding subjects/citizens of their Monarchs/Republics with the common sense of democratism and capitalism, too.

We World Aspergers’ organization absolutely must achieve our goals not only efficiently and safely, but also in a way that it labours for the public good.

By joining World Aspergers’ Organization, you agree to our Three Principles :

  1. Capitalism (You must be a capitalist, and your definition of capitalism must conform to the definition of at least one existing country which is widely considered to be a capitalist democracy.)

  2. Democratism (You must be a democratist, and your definition of democracy must conform to the definition of at least one existing country which is widely considered to be a capitalist democracy.)

  3. Law-abiding (You must obey the law of the country you are living or acting in.)

Sovereignty of Members

The members have the right to initiate a veto, and to vote to veto the activities of the organization.

Furthermore, no one can be expelled or restricted as far as 1) their concept about democracy and capitalism corresponds with the philosophy of at least one country which is widely considered to be a capitalist democracy, and 2) their act is in accordance with the law of the country they are living or acting in.

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